What medical software services could become popular in the US and Europe due to the pandemic? Is there a future for digital clinics, and why didn’t digital clinics dominate during the pandemic? Are patients ready for remote treatment? What are the challenges facing medical software platforms in the US today? We asked leading experts about this.
Gerrid Smith, Chief Marketing Officer
Over the last decade, EHR software—and its precursor, EMR software—has become standard in practices of all sizes. This is partly due to the HITECH Act and Meaningful Use requirements.
Moving from paper to electronic records has clear benefits. Digital records reduce illegibility difficulties, lowering the risk of prescribing errors. An EHR stores, transports, and shares data among practitioners.
Rather than scrolling through paper charts, providers can receive and interpret information in near real time. EHR software lowers unnecessary tests and interventions, improving care quality.
Anonymized data might be used for healthcare studies and patient trends.
While EHR software provides these and other advantages to many healthcare companies, it can be improved. In a 2018 Stanford University survey, 63 percent of physicians believe EHRs improve patient care, but 71 percent believe they increase professional stress.
Yannis Giantzides, Harley Street Hair Transplant Clinics (London)
Unfortunately, even with the push from a pandemic digital healthcare has been fairly successful. There are both technical as well as psychological reasons for this. Most older healthcare isn’t tech-savvy and we cannot afford to train them.
This process slows down any digital clinic possibilities. The other part is the significant lack of trust of patients in doctors. People believe in having a family doctor because they feel a family doctor will not cheat them. Thus, doing a consultation with an online doctor is definitely not an option for most.
Miranda Yan, Co-Founder of VinPit
Medical software services serve as a gateway for people to have access to, and receive medical services such as book appointments and get diagnoses online from licensed medical practitioners.
Services like Simple practice, Vaccine check, and eHospital systems that enable wellness and health professionals to automate their daily activities, help individuals and organizations receive health solutions online, and help hospitals manage all medical services respectively will become more popular as time goes on.
The term “successful” is subjective to a goal or target in mind, but I do not believe they are successful yet because the potential for medical services is boundless. Digital clinics have yet to begin dominating the medical world because of low adoption levels. Until more health services begin to recommend and actively use digital methods for consultation and diagnosis, digital services will remain on the back foot.
I think people are ready to be served remotely, especially for lower-level medical issues, and they can trust medical services with their private information digitally, so long as it is bound by patient-doctor confidentiality and secured properly.
The biggest problem with medical platforms is the low number of users. Once some health services begin to register and actively use it for their patients, more will follow suit.
Daniela Sawyer, Founder and Business Development Strategist
After the pandemic emerged, many hospitals have changed their ways of interacting with patients, and medical software services providing networking solutions for medical companies, pharmaceuticals, patients, labs, etc., have become massively popular. Software helping with proper hospital management, cloud- based billing, practice and business management, medical research, etc., are also becoming highly popular in the US and Europe.
Digital clinic hikes can become immensely successful and have seen a significant after the emergence of coronavirus as they help limit person-to-person contact and help individuals get prescriptions and advice from medical professionals while being at home. They help in reducing the risks to health professionals as well.
Though digital clinics have seen a significant hike at the onset of the pandemic, the growth has become stable later. This limitation is caused by the lack of hardware, proper infrastructural facility, and privacy issues involved in online interactions. People are still worried about their data and medical history being hacked. Moreover, in most cases, doctors could not blindly trust the data shared by their patients obtained by health & fitness apps, as these apps are often unregulated and unauthentic. The digital hardware, too, needs up-gradation for proper adoption of digital healthcare.
Digital health software is showing significant progress, and trials for new technologies are being held exponentially. Since patients are now highly motivated and remote medical facilities, have proved their potential despite needing a few revamps in some sectors, now is the right time to start with remote medical practices. That is how people will begin upgrading their hardware and start trusting digital medical services.
Current medical software lack data security measures, and patients’ confidential medical data is at risk of cyberattacks. The guidelines and regulatory standards to need to be revised to make them apt according to current situations. Interoperability is a significant issue, and patient’s identification isn’t standardized. Furthermore, the SaaS application development companies need to develop more user-friendly interfaces to ease the medical processes for patients of all ages and backgrounds.
Atish Ranjan, Stechie
During the current pandemic situation, the entire world is suffering. Every country is trying to fight the coronavirus, taking all the safety measures they possibly can. They’re coming up with medical and technological advancements to help and save people from succumbing to the deadly virus. The different countries have developed many medical software services to provide faster medical aids to the common people. A lot of such medical software has started to gain popularity in the US and UN. Many Medical emergency notification software such as AlertMedia, Swiftreach and Preparis have gained popularity. Some Medical Hospital Management Software like SoftClinic HIS, Health360-eMedical S, and Medkey have gained popularity as well. Some of the best Pharmacy software that is extremely useful and popular are, Pharmacy365cloud, EMedStore, and HospitalRun, etc.
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Digital clinics are the digital platforms that have paved a way by which patients can communicate with their respective medical practitioners without having to physically visit them. During the current pandemic situation, digital clinics have been proven to be lifesavers. Coronavirus tends to spread very fast from one individual to another when they come in close contact with each other. So with the help of digital counseling through digital clinics, we can actually prevent the virus from spreading so much, as e-counseling does not require physical contact; it is entirely contactless.
Digital clinics have not come to dominate, as not every disease can be detected and cured without physical examination. For serious medical conditions, patients have to visit doctors. Without a proper examination of the patients, doctors would not be able to provide proper help and medication. This would cause deterioration in the patient’s health condition.
Patients are ready to be served remotely, but only temporarily. For minor ailments, patients rely on remote treatment methods without any hesitation. But for serious health conditions and comorbidities, patients tend to rely on physical checkups and examinations from doctors.
During the ongoing pandemic situation, many medical services have been proven to be extremely useful. They have been successful in providing aid as much as possible. They have gained the trust of millions of people with their notable performance and commitment. Patients nowadays are more than willing to share private information with the medical services so as to receive aid in situations of medical emergencies.
Some medical software platforms, these days, are highly overcrowded with medical aid requests and tend to provide delayed responses. In that case, the patients become restless and highly disappointed. Like all other software platforms, these medical software platforms are sometimes out of service, which upsets the patients as well.